Saturday, September 15, 2012

Off to Peru!

The call of the wild and Red Thread is off on another Adventurists adventure. This time we're heading south to Peru, the land of lamas and Incas and sheep and wooly hats and lamas (didn't we say that already?). Far from a car suitable for your grandmother's shopping trip to Safeway, our ride is a mighty mototaxi - something like the one in the photo. What's a mototaxi? Imagine taking a 125cc motorbike and strapping a sofa on the back. Together they form one of the worst ideas for crossing any country ever invented. Braving jungles, mountains, yellow fever and ceviche won't be easy, but it's a mere 3,000 km. A stroll compared with last year's adventure to Mongolia.

We are raising funds for outstanding causes so please take a moment to look at our giving page by clicking the BIG RED DONATE button. The whole story will be told when we're back, so stay tuned!

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